Tuesday 13 September 2011

Disc Herniation Treatment - Toronto Spine Clinic

Having a disc herniation is one of the most painful conditions that one can suffer from.  Whether the disc herniation is in your neck or in your lower back, the pain can be so excruciating that it can render you completely bed ridden.

Disc Herniation
Pictured to the left is segment of the spine (neck or lower back) where the disc material has herniated out and is now pressing on the spinal nerves (i.e. a disc herniation).

The intervertebral disc (i.e. the cushion between the vertebrae) is made up of an inner jelly-like substance (light blue in the diagram) surrounded by annular rings (pink colour in the diagram) that contain the jelly-like material within the disc.

However, through trauma (e.g. falls, motor vehicle accidents, etc), poor poster, heavy lifting etc, the annular rings can tear and the jelly-like material can begin to leak to the outside of the disc and press on your spinal nerves.

When this disc herniation occurs, it can cause significant amount of pain.  Symptoms include...
  • Burning, numbness and tingling in your arms/legs.
  • Localized neck and/or back pain.
  • Weakness and incoordination in your arms and legs (e.g. drop foot).
  • Balance problems.
  • Muscle atrophy (i.e. muscles decrease in size).
Other problems that commonly develop from a disc herniation in your lower back include...
  • Groin Pain.
  • Weakness in your bladder and/or bowels.
  • Hip Pain and glute pain.
  • Erectile dysfunction.
Symptoms of a disc herniation in your neck (i.e. cervical spine) include...
  • Headaches.
  • Dizziness.
  • Balance problems.
  • Tinnitus (i.e. ringing in your ears).
 Unfortunately, many people who suffer from disc herniations are often told that the pain will go away on its own in time if they just take it easy and then are given a prescription for pain medication.

There are problems with this line of thought!

...and if you are one who's already suffering with severe pain and have been dealing with it for far too long, you already know what the problem is with this logic!
Yes, the pain may go away... but it's misleading!  Remember, the jelly-like material that has leaked out can move.  That is to say, the jelly-like material can move enough away from the nerve so that you don't feel pain.  However, it can also move back again and press on the nerve again and bring back the pain at a ferocious level!  
So resting, taking medication and being on bed rest may help reduce the pain, BUT it's NOT rehabilitating your disc and it's only a matter of time until you experience the pain again.
So until you fix the disc herniation, you're back will always be a ticking time bomb just waiting to go off and all of the activities that you want to do will be based on "will this hurt my back?".  These activities will range from gardening, to lifting, to tying your shoe laces to picking up your child!
However,  your disc herniation CAN BE effectively rehabilitated... and faster than you thought possible.  
At the Toronto Spine Clinic we provide our patients with the most sophisticated Non-Surgical technology available to rehabilitate disc herniations in both the neck and lower back.  

Our Non-Surgical technology is specifically designed to treat not only disc herniations, but also degenerative disc disease, spinal arthritis and even failed back surgery syndrome and with very high success rate.

As you can see from our video, The Toronto Spine Clinic's treatment directly treats your disc herniation and rehabilitates it so such a high degree that we are not only able to remove your pain and symptoms, but we are also able to provide you with lasting results!
If you are presently suffering with severe neck and/or back pain, are taking daily doses of pain medication, have tried chiropractic, physiotherapy, massage and acupuncture and nothing has worked, you may be a candidate for our care.

To find out if you are a candidate and to book your FREE consultation, please call our office at (905) 850-1007 or toll-free at 1-855-TSC-DISC (1-855-872-3472) today.

To learn more about our treatments, please visit our website at http://www.torontospineclinic.com. 

The Toronto Spine Clinic
6175 Hwy 7 (corner of Hwy 7 & Hwy 27), Unit 3
Woodbridge, On. L4H-0K9
Email: contactus@torontospineclinic.com

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