Wednesday 14 September 2011

Truth About Degenerative Disc Disease Treatments -Toronto

So what is the truth about degenerative disc disease and treatments?

Well, as so often is the case, when one experiences neck or lower back pain they will first visit their family doctor and they will be initially given a prescription for pain medication.  After a month or so you go back to your family doctor because despite taking your pain medication, your pain is still there.

So then your doctor has you sent to get an X-ray and it reveals that you have spinal arthritis or degenerative disc disease in your spine.  Your doctor then says, "Well, you have some arthritis in your spine.  It's normal.  Don't worry just take these meds and it will eventually go away."

Right off the bat there are 2 massive errors in what your doctor just told you!
  1. Spinal arthritis and degenerative disc disease is NOT normal! If it was a normal function of the body, then you would not be in pain nor would you eventually become incapacitated with pain as the problem gets progressively worse.  You're doctor is doing a great disservice to you by trivializing your problem and just shooing you off with pain medication and rest.
  2. Pain medication will NOT fix the problem of spinal arthritis and degenerative disc disease as such, as your condition gets progressively worse, so will your pain and your reliance on medication.
At the Toronto Spine Clinic, one of the biggest mistakes that we hear our patients making is that they thought that their problem would just go away.  The fact of the matter is, it doesn't.  Although your pain may diminish to a certain degree, your degenerative disc disease progresses.

Typically, your pain may diminish to a certain degree because your nerves become desensitized to your pain... your nerve receptors are not responding to the pain as they used to and so you develop a higher pain threshold.


although it may sound great on the surface that you don't feel as much pain or that you can handle more pain than the average person... the fact of the matter is, you are unknowingly waiting for the "STRAW THAT BROKE THE CAMEL'S BACK"!

Meaning, as your degenerative disc disease gets worse (i.e. more pain pain, sciatica, leg weakness, incoordination, groin pain, hip pain, etc.) you back develops more and more instability, until one day you roll over to get out of bed or perhaps lift up your child, do a bit of raking or snow shoveling and then it happens... seemingly out of no where, you experience pain that you had never felt before, pain that drops you to your knees and pain that will not go away no matter what you do.

Then you ask yourself... "How can this happen?  I didn't do anything to hurt my back!  I've been taking my medication, I've watch what I've been doing and I was told my pain will go away!"

You're condition never did go away!

Your discs were silently degenerating more and more because you were taking your pain medication that was blocking off your body's Problem Detection System and you never addressed the CAUSE of your pain and symptoms... you only masked it!

In order to correctly address your problem, 
you have to address the CAUSE!

By addressing the cause, you create lasting results!

Fortunately, we have the solution for your degenerative disc disease.  The Toronto Spine Clinic specializes in the treatment of severe and chronic neck and back pain due to spinal arthritis, degenerative disc disease, disc herniations and failed back surgery syndrome.

Here at The Toronto Spine Clinic, we use the most advanced non-surgical technology to address the CAUSE of your neck and back pain by directly rehabilitating your damaged disc.  Our sophisticated treatment technology can rehabilitate your degenerated disc(s) so effectively that not only can your pain be removed, but we can create proper joint function and spinal stability and thereby creating LASTING results!

You may be thinking to yourself that our treatments sound too good to be true.  Our patients tell us that all the time (click "HERE" to read some of our patient testimonials).

Here at The Toronto Spine Clinic we provide our patients with the most advanced non-surgical treatment technology offered on the market today and along with our comprehensive treatment protocol (Click "HERE" to learn more), we are able to provide our patients with an extremely high success rate.

So, if you are suffering from degenerative disc disc in your neck or lower back and you want to get rid of  your pain once and for all and life a normal life again, we welcome you to book a FREE consultation with our doctor to find out if you are a candidate for our care.

If you would like to book your FREE consultation to find out if you are a candidate for our care, please call (905) 850-1007 or toll-free at 1 (855) TSC-DISC (1 (855) 872-3472) or email us at

Visit our website at

Toronto Spine Clinic
6175 Hwy 7 Unit 3 (at the corner of Hwy 7 and Hwy 27)
Woodbridge, On. L4h-0K9


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