Thursday 15 September 2011

Spinal Decompression Therapy - Disc Herniation Therapy - Toronto

Spinal decompression therapy for severe neck and back pain... what is it?

Well there are basically 2 types of Spinal Decompression treatments...
  1. Surgical Spinal Decompression.
  2. Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy.
Surgical Spinal Decompression is the one that everyone fears.  It is the one that your medical doctor will often either tell you that it is too dangerous to perform on your neck or back (which may be caused by a disc herniation, spinal arthritis, degenerative disc disease and/or facet syndrome) and so they advise against it.

As such, your medical doctor advises you to try all other treatment before undergoing surgery for your neck and/or back pain.

Why would your medical doctor advise you against having spinal surgery if he/she thinks that you need it?

Well, the reason is because spinal surgery has such a high failure rate.  In fact, the failure rate is so high that a new diagnostic category was developed in the medical field... "Failed Back Surgery Syndrome".

Understand the significance of this new category... there is no other equivalent term for ANY other medical procedure!  That's how risky spinal surgery is.

People who are suffering with disc herniations, spinal arthritis, degenerative disc disease and/or facet syndrome are often in significant amount of pain, their quality of life has almost vanished in front their eyes and perform every task with the thought of how their back or neck pain is going to be affected.  Consequently and justifiably, their major focus is to get out of pain and get out of pain fast!

Consequently, more often than not, people will go to their medical doctor or to the emergency room for prescription pain medication to immediately remove their pain.  As mentioned in our previous blog posting, medication does NOT remove the problem, it only takes away the pain and actually makes your condition worse because you have not addressed the cause of your pain.

Many of the patients that we see have had a surgical consult (or two) and have opted out or have been advised to seek other treatments first.  So these patients do.

In fact, 80% of the patients that come into our clinic, The Toronto Spine Clinic, have already seen a chiropractor, physiotherapist, acupuncturist and a massage therapist... and with little or no relief in their pain and symptoms.

Patients that we see are often upset that they have spent all this time and money with these various treatments and they think that they have been duped of their money or that these treatments are "junk" treatments.

We understand our patients' frustration, but what I tell all of our patients is that all of these types of therapies are very good, but their condition has fallen beyond the scope of these disciplines.  As such, despite all efforts, their condition cannot be resolved.

However, these are the typical patient that come to The Toronto Spine Clinic of  our advanced treatment protocol.

At The Toronto Spine Clinic, we specialize in the treatment of acute/chronic severe neck and back pain.  In fact, that's all we treat.  The conditions that we treat are degenerative disc disease, spinal arthritis, disc herniations, facet syndrome and certain cases of failed back surgery.

Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression therapy has the ability to rehabilitate your damaged disc in such a fashion as to not only remove your pain, but to provide lasting results.

How is Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression therapy able to achieve this?
Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression therapy is able to address the exact cause of your pain AND by using a strict comprehensive approach that is unique to The Toronto Spine Clinic, we are able to remove your disc herniation and rehydrate your degenerative disc (i.e. "plump" it up) so that the spinal vertebrae and or herniated disc are no longer pressing on your nerves and remove the pressure off the joints... thus removing your pain at its source.

Here are two videos that describe our treatments.


In addition to our Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression therapy, while under care, you are provided with our advanced disc and nerve tissue rehabilitation supplement called "Advanced Disc Recovery with Nerve Cell MAX" which is a [powerful all-natural supplement that has the ability to enhance healing for a both quicker and more thorough healing of  your damaged disc(s) and spinal nerves.

In addition, while under care, you will be very closely monitored to ensure that you are not only healing appropriately, but as your body begins to heal,  targeted soft tissue (i.e. muscle) trigger point therapy will be performed to break down scar tissue adhesions  that have developed due to your spinal complaint.

Lastly, lesion specific exercises will also be given at specific times throughout care to increase spinal flexibility and stability.

As such, our treatments are customized to every patient.  By customizing a patient's treatment protocol to their exact specifications, we are able to provide our patients with the highest probability of recovery.

So if you have tried various treatments and have not received the results that you had hoped for or you want come directly to our clinic and avoid wasting time, please give our clinic a call.

If you would like to find out if you are a candidate for our care and to book your FREE consultation, please give our office a call at 1 (905) 850-1007 or toll-free at 1-855-TSC-DISC (1-855-872-3472).

You can also fill out your on-line patient intake from by clicking "HERE"

The Toronto Spine Clinic
6175 Hwy 7, Unit 3 (corner of Hwy 7 & Hwy 27)
Woodbridge, On L4H-0K9

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